5 Elementor Features You Probably Don’t Know About

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Spoiler Alert! I love Elementor. Shocking, I know. But as a web designer and developer, it has made my job of creating visually appealing and highly functional websites significantly faster. Who doesn’t love that? I definitely do. 

I’ve been using Elementor as my primary WordPress builder for over five years now, and it’s changed a lot since 2019. The list of Elementor features is constantly growing, and there are quite a few features that most people don’t even know about. In this blog post, we’ll explore five little known Elementor features that can take your website to the next level, enhancing both it’s design and functionality.

Note that the list of features below does require Elementor Pro, and one requires an extra subscription of just a few dollars a month.

5 Undervalued Elementor Features To Help Elevate Your Website

Dynamic Popups: Beyond the Basics

Elementor’s Popup Builder is a well-known feature, but did you know about its dynamic capabilities? Dynamic Popups allow you to create personalized popups based on user behavior, preferences, or interactions on your site. By tailoring your popups to specific audience segments, you can significantly improve engagement and conversion rates.

Whether it’s promoting a special discount to first-time visitors or showcasing exclusive deals for loyal customers, this feature empowers you to create a more personalized and effective marketing strategy.

Check out the Elementor Popup Builder!

Mega Menu Magic: Elevate Your Navigation

Take your website’s navigation to the next level with Elementor’s Mega Menu feature. Mega Menus go beyond the traditional dropdowns, allowing you to create visually stunning and highly organized menus that enhance user experience.

They provide a cleaner and more organized way to showcase your site’s content. With custom layouts, images, and even widgets, you can guide users effortlessly through your website’s various sections. This feature is especially beneficial for businesses with a large amount of content or multiple product categories, improving navigation and reducing bounce rates.

I especially like to use the Elementor mega menu for large e-commerce websites and companies that offer many different services. 

Elementor AI: Design Assistance at Your Fingertips

I know, I know… another AI program… but please allow me to introduce you to one of my favorites. Elementor AI is like your personal design assistant within Elementor Pro. This innovative feature analyzes your content and suggests design improvements, ensuring a polished and professional look for your website without the need for extensive design knowledge.

It takes any already simple process and simplifies it even more, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of design expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a business owner handling your site’s aesthetics, this feature streamlines the design workflow, saving time and ensuring a visually appealing website. 

Click here to check out Elementor AI.

Form Builder with MailerLite, Mailchimp or ConvertKit Integration: Seamless Interaction

I currently use MailerLite as my mailing list management company, but you can use a number of compatible companies with the Elementor Form Builder. It’s one of my favorite Elementor features because it allows you to automate the process of capturing leads and nurturing them through targeted email campaigns, while using a custom designed form (no more manually styling your embedded form using CSS).   

This feature streamlines your marketing efforts, allowing you to focus on building relationships with your audience while Elementor and your preferred mailing list company work together behind the scenes. Work smarter, not harder.

Learn more about the Elementor Form Builder. 

Site Settings in the Theme Builder: Consistency Across Your Website

Ensuring a consistent design and style throughout your website is crucial for brand identity. Elementor’s Theme Builder takes this a step further by allowing you to manage site-wide settings all in one place.

With Site Settings in the Theme Builder, you can customize global settings such as fonts, colors, and spacing across your entire website from one dashboard. This ensures a cohesive and professional appearance, saving you time and effort in maintaining a consistent brand image.

Click here to learn more about the Elementor Theme Builder!

What's Your Favorite Elementor Feature?

Incorporating these lesser-known Elementor features into your website-building toolkit can elevate your online presence and set your business apart. Whether you’re looking to enhance user engagement, streamline your design process, or integrate seamlessly with email marketing, Elementor has the tools to help you achieve your goals.

Watch out for new Elementor features as well. They are constantly releasing new and improved features that help transform websites into powerful and effective online platforms.

Head on over to the Elementor site if you want to see other benefits of upgrading to the Elementor Pro version. 

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